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Joe Reiss
<joe@joereiss.net> |
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I've been around computers long enough to have witnessed the heyday of ASCII Art back on the old teletypes. Now I'm proud to continue the tradition with my recreations of some of the most famous Star Wars ships, in gorgeous 7-bit ASCII. |
_ ,--'_`--. ,/( \ / )\. // \ \_/ / \\ |/___/ \___\| ((___ ___)) |\ \ _ / /| \\ / / \ \ // `\(_/___\_)/' `--._.--' |
Episode I The Phantom Menace |
Episode II Attack of the Clones
Episode IV A New Hope |
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back |
Episode VI Return of the Jedi |
Also visit these other fine ASCII Art exhibits: | |
STAR TREK Joshua Bell |
STAR WARS RebelPilot ASCIImation |